About us KGROAD

Transparency International is a global independent organization that studies and fights against corruption both internationally and within individual countries, one of the goals of which is to achieve greater transparency and accountability of government.

The team of Transparency International Kyrgyzstan has developed a platform for monitoring road construction and repair, containing an interactive map to provide access to information on roads and streets repaired in recent years, including cost of works, contractor details, warranty periods, links to procurement documents and other information on works, as well as generalized statistics on road works (e.g. road works performed by the same contractor). The platform will also provide users with the opportunity to promptly report defects on roads and the need to fix them, vote on the priority of road repairs and provide feedback in a convenient format that will allow citizens to independently analyze and monitor the use of execution of state road contracts. Information on road construction and repairs is collected from public data from the state procurement portal and the Ministry of Justice.

In addition to the web platform, there are two mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms with functions similar to the website.